Yes this sounds selfish but its the truth. Without ourselves, our family and friends wont matter. If we really didnt care about ourselves, we would not be able to care for others; for we must be alive to care for them. Whether physically, emotionally or mentally, we must be alive. Our health in those senses might not be perfect but the point is that we must be alive. We must love ourselves before the other factors, such as family and friends, can fully come into play. We might not like what we are turning into as life strikes at any waken momments, but we must realize that, in the end, we are the ones that matter. It is up to us to change ourselves, not anyone else. We cannot fully enjoy the company of our loved ones untill we see that we are beautiful. & I trully believe we all are beautiful...including my enemies. Not everyone will like you or love you but there ARE people who will, whether you are surrounded by them or not.
Message; Life is an obstacle on its own, our duty is to see it as an opportunity to make ourselves stronger. We must lie to ourself in order to know who we are. & we should always remember...the sun must sink in order to rise again
Your Truly,
Clam ♥
I know I told you on facebook. But I had to post a comment. I get what you mean with this post and I agree with you all the way. =]