Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lesson learned.

"Friendship is one mind in two bodies."
- Mencius -

Everyone has their own definition of what true friendship is. For some, it's just as simple becoming a best friend as it is to become an enemy. Not that these people dont value or understand the concept of true friendships; they just seem to grash the idea of human behavior and how one can change instantaneuosly like from being faithful to caniving and even selfish. But for the other population, including I, its a great pleasure and honor to aquire such a gift.

Sharing this bond,true friendship, is one of the beautiful wonders of the earth better yet life. When true friendship so pure is born, its hard to kill because as like a child, one cannot take away a life. So it gets tested with different situations and circumstances. With the completion of each stage, this bond gets stronger and becomes more meaningful.

It becomes deadly when two or more people share a bond of "true" friendship from a different group. In otherwords, each person views the bond in different forms. One might see obsticales as an opportunity to become stronger, while the other might view it revealing a persons true colors. Both visions are different because one views the situation as a positive while the other is more negative and expects the worst. A friendship like such is not refered to as "true". That is because "true" is in accord with reality and is always fact. Being "true" means it's the same all around, no matter what. If two people or more view a friendship differently, it isn't true.

The mind is a powerful organ in which can cause illusions. From now and then we fall trap to them and believe fantasy, losing interest in reality. In this case,when true friendship is fantasy; we tend to see something that isn't there. I ,myself, have fell trap to such illusion countless times and i can honestly say i think im in one rigth now. Theres no way to fully avoid all this reoccuring events. Many are blessed with finding this gift at first or even second try. But for me and many others, with each jorney and failed friendships, we continiously learn and our effort isn't always wasted. I might find true friendship and i might not but for now, i guess ill live in the moment, thriving for fantasy...

Yours truly,



  1. Im feeling this hard. I cant wait to see what you come up with next.
